Being Ready and prepared for my 4th Dan.
October 2019 champions of p4tkd schools.
Name ,Mr Graeme Streets
Grade, 4TH Degree Black Belt.
Club, Kenilworth Club.
Time Training, 13 years
Qualified ref
Qulaified Instructor
Favourite colour, Blue
Favourite film, The Bourne identity
Favourite Technique, Jump side kick
A black belt isn't just something that goes around your waist, it's so so much more, it's a journey, a challenge, a way of life, pushing yourself to be the best that you can be, helping others achieve their full potential. The five tennents translate into both training and your personal life.
I may not be the fittest, I may not be the fastest, I may not always have the best stances, but I'm always trying to better myself. Always learning from those around me (and of course World Master Carter) and always offering hints and tips to anyone wanting to be the best that they can too.
My journey started many moons ago and now I've reached the dizzy heights of 4th Degree Black belt, years of practice to achieve the grade, ups and downs, highs and lows. I'm now a qualified instructor and refferee, all of which I never dreamt off during my first few lessons when I was unfit and massively overweight.
I've had a few notable moments, taking 3 beginners from white belt to 1st degree black belts being my proudest, also being main refferee at the last 2 world championships especially while a fellow student won gold in the ladies sparring, awarding her that title was special.
Training allows me time away from everyday stresses and quality time with my boys (although I do wish they'd stop picking on me during sparring) Assisting World Master Mr Carter is just a small way of thanking him for the time, energy and faith he has invested in me and my boys over the years. I firmly believe my body will give up before my determination does.
World Master Carter.
Thank you Mr streets for a brief history of your TkD journey. I could tell a lot of stories but would go on too long. I would like to say your a fantastic person and always supported me and club. Also you have always put back into the club helping others to be the best they can. Thank you Graeme
Who would you like next month on the champions page?………….
Focus is the key and determination to be the best i can.